Nokomis Teachings from the Grandmothers of Georgina Island First Nation (2024) by Nish/Alicia BC @ready.set.skoden

Representing the Seven Nokomis Teachings that were created in collaboration with a handful of Grandmothers from the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation (GIFN). Deanna BigCanoe, a member of the GIFN community, collected terms and meanings in December of 2023 and put them on a poster that now hangs in the GIFN’s new Biindigen Wellness Centre.

With her permission, Artist Alicia BC brought these teachings to Roncesvalles Village, sharing pieces of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation community with the vibrant and flourishing Toronto neighbourhood.




Every Child Matters (2024) by Nish/Alicia BC @ready.set.skoden









These murals were supported by the Roncesvalles Village BIA Social Justice and Anti-Racism Committee.  Project funded by the Roncesvalles Village BIA and facilitated by I HeART Main Street which is presented in partnership with STEPS and RBC, and generously supported by Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, and the Government of Ontario.

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