RVBIA Shared Google Calendar & Booking Meetings
Tap on an individual meetings for details on how to attend.
Committee Chairs/Board Members how to add meetings to the Shared Calendar
To be added to the calendar only:
This option may be used for records purposes or for meetings in person (when safe to do so) and in cases when the person requesting the addition to the calendar would like to add & invite attendees/meeting info themselves; please send the following:
- Confirmed meeting date
- Start and end time
To be added to the calendar and have an RVBIA Google calendar invite sent to all attendees; please send the following:
- Confirmed meeting date
- Start and end time
- Forward email addresses of all invitees. For example – forward the email correspondence you sent to invitees to confirm the date/time to request the meeting, as it will include the relevant email addresses
- Provide any descriptive text relevant to the meeting (for example: agenda link/topics, location of meeting)
To be added to the calendar and have an RVBIA Google calendar invite sent to all attendees and have a Zoom link created; please send the following:
- Confirmed meeting date with request for a Zoom meeting
- Start and end time
- Topic (if applicable)
- Forward email addresses of all invitees. For example – forward the email correspondence you sent to invitees to confirm the date/time to request the meeting, as it will include the relevant email addresses
- Provide any descriptive text relevant to the meeting (for example: agenda link/topics, location of meeting)
Upon receipt of these requests, a reply will be sent confirming the request was completed. Please send requests as far in advance as possible to give board members the ability to adjust their schedules should they wish to attend.