Updated January 9, 2023
Please refer to the latest update provided by the City (also delivered to local mailboxes) here.
KQQR construction is progressing on schedule. For any questions or concerns regarding KQQR, you can attend Virtual Trailer Drop-In Sessions run weekly on Tuesday mornings.
For more info, please visit the City of Toronto webpage.
During construction, learn how to access St. Joseph’s Health Centre.
Virtual Trailer
The City is also hosting Virtual Trailer Drop-In Sessions where members of the public can join, (virtually), to ask questions about the ongoing KQQR construction work. City staff and a representative from the local City Councillor’s office will be at the meeting to either provide answers on the spot or report back shortly after.
- Date: Every Tuesday
- Time: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
- Where: Login to the virtual trailer
, or call 416-915-6530 (access code 133 652 6676)
King-Queen Queensway-Roncesvalles South End Construction (KQQR) Information
How to stay informed:
- KQQR Construction Virtual Trailer Drop-Ins every Tuesday 930am-1030am.
- The City of Toronto KQQR website
- Email updates via the City of Toronto website
- Social updates (City of Toronto Transportation)
Issues can be communicated to City staff:
- During business hours, please call 416-392-3074 o After hours (5 p.m.), please call 311
- Via email to: kqqr@toronto.ca. Councillor Perks’ office also asks that you copy them in your emails councillor_perks@toronto.ca

KQQR Staging Map Aug 2020
About the Project:
After postponement, the City of Toronto and the TTC are moving forward with reconstructing the intersection at King / Queen / Roncesvalles / Queensway (KQQR) this year. The construction will take place in three phases as outlined below. This is a joint project by the TTC, Toronto’s Transportation Services and Water Division.
The South End Committee reports that Stage 1 of the King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles Construction project has begun, closure is dated for March 31 and will run through July 2021. Please note the TTC 504 King streetcar will have a temporary route change during construction.
For more information please visit the City of Toronto webpage on this project, which includes details on:
Overall Scope of work
- As part of the state of good repair work, the aging sewer and track around the intersection needs to be replaced
- Relocating the eastbound centre platform streetcar stop to the far side of the intersection
- Realigning the King Street West leg to create a better intersection angle and increase green space
- Modifying / constructing street car platforms at Glendale Avenue
- Continue the bump-out treatment on Roncesvalles at this intersection
As part of the Sunnyside Community Association area traffic study that was completed in 2008, the city will also be:
- Modifying the signal at Glendale Avenue and Queensway
- Adding dedicated eastbound – left – turn lanes at Sunnyside Avenue, Glendale Avenue, and The Queensway
- Signalizing intersection at Sunnyside and The Queensway
- Modifying the streetcar track vertical alignment (slope at Claude Avenue that will visually and physically enhance the existing right-in / right-out at Claude Avenue)
At the same time that the road is closed, the TTC will be modifying Roncesvalles Ave with small adjustments to the Bump Outs and Streetcar Platforms from Marion St. to Boustead Ave. so they are in compliance with AODA legislation and support smooth operation of the ramps on streetcars.
This project has been anticipated since the reconstruction of the top end of Roncesvalles that was completed in 2011. It will improve public transportation and realm, pedestrian environment, and traffic circulation in this area. The Roncesvalles Village BIA and Parkdale Village BIA will be working together to mitigate the impact of the construction on our businesses and their customers.