Bloor Dundas Avenue Study information boards now available online

Village BIA RoncesvallesARCHIVE, Community News, Roncesvalles Village BIA, Uncategorised1 Comment

The City is conducting an “Avenue Study,” which will make recommendations on how best to implement the City’s Official Plan along Bloor Street, between Keele and Dundas West, and along Dundas West from Bloor to Roncesvalles. These recommendations will determine zoning, development and planning policies for the area. The Roncesvalles Village BIA is taking part in the study’s community consultation process.

The City has created a website that provides regular updates on this important study.  On the site, community members can view information boards, workshop notes and background information.

City of Toronto: Bloor Dundas Avenue Study 

UPDATE: The Roncesvalles Village BIA has submitted its position paper to the Bloor-Dundas Avenue Study. It can be viewed here. The paper stresses the need to: 1) strengthen the pedestrian connections from Bloor Street to Roncesvalles, 2) to ensure continuity with the Roncesvalles reconstruction, and 3) to explore the design opportunities available at the junction of Dundas and Roncesvalles.

UPDATE 2: At a public meeting on Nov. 18, consultants presented a summary showing development possibilities for the Bloor-Dundas area. It can be viewed here. It includes an image (right) showing how the Loblaw’s/Zellers parking lot might one day be redeveloped into a new mixed-use neighborhood.

The presentation also proposes streetscape improvements along Dundas West. These improvements include new trees and strengthened pedestrian connections between Roncesvalles Village and neighborhoods to the north. Improvements are also proposed for the corner of Dundas and Roncesvalles.

One Comment on “Bloor Dundas Avenue Study information boards now available online”

  1. fait accompli. Thats all I have to say about this. Community really has no input as to what is decided. I have been to most of the meetings and in two of the meetings we were not allowed to talk about building height. Milroy group doing the study uses spin doctor 101 techniques to convince us that we want intensification in an over intensified area already. The real aim by the city planning department and Milroy is for gentrification. On a brighter note I believe Gord Perks is really trying to help the community get what they want and identify some areas that are lacking. Cheers

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