Putting Pedestrians First

Village BIA RoncesvallesARCHIVE, Beautification, Front Page, Roncesvalles Village BIA, Uncategorised1 Comment

This week, the City of Toronto hosted Walk21, an international conference examining ways to improve the pedestrian realm on our streets. This year’s theme is “Putting Pedestrians First.” The conference reflects a recent shift in thinking at City Hall, where the once-dominant car is now being asked to take a back seat to the needs of pedestrians, transit-riders and cyclists. … Read More

Roncesvalles Reconstruction Likely Delayed Until 2009

Village BIA RoncesvallesARCHIVE, Beautification, Front Page, Roncesvalles Village BIA, UncategorisedLeave a Comment

City staff has warned the BIA that the major reconstruction of Roncesvalles, still officially planned for 2008, will most likely be delayed until 2009. This is because a reconstruction of this scale will probably require an Environmental Assessment, and also because the project has become more complex with new features being added, such as curb extensions, rebuilt sidewalks, additional trees … Read More

Two (or Three) Proposals for Roncesvalles

Village BIA RoncesvallesARCHIVE, Beautification, Front Page, Roncesvalles Village BIA, Uncategorised18 Comments

A key streetscape priority for the BIA and the community has been the creation of bumpouts, or extensions of the sidewalk onto the street (click here to view an example). These would become new public spaces, allowing for new uses such as patios, benches, gardens or public art. It is hoped that such bumpouts would become part of the major … Read More

Renovating Our Street

Village BIA RoncesvallesARCHIVE, Roncesvalles Village BIA, Uncategorised2 Comments

The Roncesvalles BIA forms partnerships to help make our street beautiful Change is upon us The Roncesvalles BIA has learned that the TTC plans to replace the streetcar tracks along Roncesvalles in 2008 2009 (UPDATE: The project will likely be delayed. Click here for more details). There is a possibility that the City may decide to replace our sidewalks at … Read More

Streetscape Strategy Available for Download

Village BIA RoncesvallesARCHIVE, Roncesvalles Village BIA, Uncategorised1 Comment

In 2003, the BIA commissioned the architecture firm of Brook McIlroy to create a streetscape strategy that would assist us in navigating the changes facing our street. This plan was developed in consultation with businesses, residents and other stakeholders in our community. It is not a final vision, but represents the beginning of a dialogue between our community and the … Read More