Members Section
March 10, 2025
De-escalation Training for business owners is back via the City of Toronto. For more information and course availability, please follow this link.
Our thanks to everyone who attended the Roncesvalles Village BIA (RVBIA) 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) held TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2024, 7:00 PM.
The presentation and other supporting documents/displays will be shared on the website in the coming weeks.
2024 AGM RVBIA Member Info-Package
2023 AGM Minutes
2023 Auditors Report
Is your commercial property covered under our Goodbye Graffiti service contract? Update your info here to ensure our permissions list is up to date:
Goodbye Graffiti List – Ensure Your Business is on the List
RVBIA Shared Google Calendar & Booking Meetings
Tap on an individual meetings for details on how to attend.
Committee Chairs/Board Members how to add meetings to the Shared Calendar
To be added to the calendar only:
This option may be used for records purposes or for meetings in person (when safe to do so) and in cases when the person requesting the addition to the calendar would like to add & invite attendees/meeting info themselves; please send the following:
- Confirmed meeting date
- Start and end time
To be added to the calendar and have an RVBIA Google calendar invite sent to all attendees; please send the following:
- Confirmed meeting date
- Start and end time
- Forward email addresses of all invitees. For example – forward the email correspondence you sent to invitees to confirm the date/time to request the meeting, as it will include the relevant email addresses
- Provide any descriptive text relevant to the meeting (for example: agenda link/topics, location of meeting)
To be added to the calendar and have an RVBIA Google calendar invite sent to all attendees and have a Zoom link created; please send the following:
- Confirmed meeting date with request for a Zoom meeting
- Start and end time
- Topic (if applicable)
- Forward email addresses of all invitees. For example – forward the email correspondence you sent to invitees to confirm the date/time to request the meeting, as it will include the relevant email addresses
- Provide any descriptive text relevant to the meeting (for example: agenda link/topics, location of meeting)
Upon receipt of these requests, a reply will be sent confirming the request was completed. Please send requests as far in advance as possible to give board members the ability to adjust their schedules should they wish to attend.
Joining the RVBIA Board of Management
To apply to become a BIA board member, you must be (and provide documentation as applicable):
• An owner of a commercial property within the catchment of the Roncesvalles Village (Document: Commercial Property Tax Statement)
• The tenant a commercial property within the catchment of the Roncesvalles Village (Document: Lease with your name and address)
• An appointed representative (Document: Signed letter and a copy one of the above which includes the signatory’s name)
• Be at least 18 years of age;
• Not be a child, parent, or spouse of—or in a marital relationship with—a Council member; and
• Not be staff of the City, its agencies or corporations (or their subsidiaries).
Outside of an election year, nomination forms submitted will be accepted on a rolling basis for review by the board at a scheduled meeting. In these instances, it is the board of management who votes to accept or reject nominees for vacant seats. Nominees must attend a minimum of two (2) full consecutive board meetings and submit their paperwork 7 business days before the following board of management meeting, at which time the board of management will vote. The existing Board of Management has the right to accept or reject nominees.
During an election year, persons interested in being considered for nomination at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) must follow the above parameters as well as complete and submit their nomination form within the set deadlines as shared by the board of management. The next general election will take place at the 2026 AGM.
Once the board of management has voted in favour, the nominee form(s) will be submitted to the BIA office, which will submit them on our behalf to City council for approval. Please note that the RVBIA has no ability to expedite, influence or manage this decision or when it takes place. The nominee is not a board member (cannot vote or move motions) until confirmation from City Council is received.
Following confirmation by City Council, all board members, for the time they are on the board, must comply with:
• all applicable laws and City policies including, but not limited to, the City of Toronto Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, Code of Conduct for Members of Local Boards, Policy on Use of City Resources during an Election, Public Appointments Policy
And sign/complete:
• Anti-harassment Compliance
• Board of Management Training as provided by the City of Toronto BIA Office
Board Role(s) are decided by the existing RVBIA board of management at a future board meeting following receipt of approval by city council.
Commitments of RVBIA Board Members:
1. Attend a minimum of 10 of 12 Board Meetings in a 12-month cycle, including the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
2. Join one of the sub-committees as a Member or if approved, Chair. As Chairs are responsible for managing and reporting on their pre-approved budget, it is advised that new board members serve on a committee as co-chair to gain a full understanding and experience of board responsibilities and requirements, prior to taking on the role of Chair.
3. Contribute a minimum of 50 hours annually to RVBIA business: this includes things such as, preparing for and attending Board and Committee Meetings, actively assisting with communicating with members regarding RVBIA news, attending RVBIA events, preparing and presenting reports, including at the AGM and so on.
4. Review Board Minutes, review newsletters and address tasks assigned to you in a timely manner.
5. Follow procedures, administrative processes and conduct as outlined by the RVBIA and The City of Toronto
*If these minimum requirements are not met, you may become ineligible for board membership and may lose voting rights.
Members who are interested in joining the board are encouraged to attend a board meeting by accessing the RVBIA meeting calendar above.
RVBIA members who wish to be involved, but do not have capacity to fulfill the responsibilities of a Board Member, are encouraged to inquire and join one of the various committees we have. More input, involvement and volunteers help our community to thrive!