Roncesvalles Village AGM 2021
Welcome RVBIA Members
The 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held by virtual teleconferencing on Tuesday, November 16, starting at 7:00 PM.
In preparation for the 2021 Annual General Meeting, please review the 2020 AGM Minutes and committee reports below.
2020 Committee Reports
- Information Technology, Security, South End Construction
- Marketing & Promotions
- Members Outreach
- Social Justice & Anti-Racism
- Treasurer’s Report
- 2020 RVBIA Financial Statement
Voting Rights
You can read important information about voting rights for BIA members below.
Excerpt from City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas
§ 19-1. Definitions.
BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA MEMBERS – All persons who own rateable property in the area that is in a business property class, commercial and industrial tenants of the property and non-residential tenants who are occupying rateable property; and recent purchasers of property in the area that is in a business property class, but not assessed on the last returned assessment roll, and commercial and industrial tenants of the property, and non-residential tenants who are occupying rateable property, if the recent purchasers produce evidence of property ownership satisfactory to the Chief Financial Officer.
BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA OFFICE – The City’s Business Improvement Area Office, Economic Development and Culture Division.
Please note: In accordance with changes to City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, designates are no longer eligible to vote on behalf of BIA members at annual general meetings.
§ 19-17. Elections of nominees; voter eligibility.
F. Ownership of properties
(1) Where a person is the sole owner of more than one property within the business improvement area, or is the sole owner of more than one corporation that owns property within the business improvement area, the person and the corporations solely owned by that person shall have a total of only one vote, regardless of the number of properties owned by that person and the different corporations solely owned by that person.
(2) Where a person is the sole owner of a property and joint owner of one or more additional properties within the business improvement area, one vote is given for the property owned by that person alone and one vote is given for each jointly owned property, provided the co-owners in each case are different persons and they or their representatives attend the meeting where the vote is held.
(3) Where a person is the sole owner of a corporation and part owner of different corporations that own property within the business improvement area, one vote is given for the corporation solely owned by that person and one for each jointly owned corporation, provided the co-owners of each corporation are different persons and they or their representatives attend the meeting where the vote is held.
Amendments to Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas
– April 25, 2017