Roncy Reduces

Village BIA RoncesvallesGreening, In The News, Our Roncesvalles


Roncy Reduces is a community waste reduction initiative in the Roncesvalles area that was launched by 20 local parents at the beginning of this year. Their goal is to reduce single-use plastics and packaging in our neighbourhood by encouraging both consumers and businesses to practice waste reduction together.

They have invited neighbourhood businesses to participate by displaying their Roncy Reduces/BYO sticker at the door and in this way identify their business as accepting customers’ reusable containers, cups and bags etc. whenever possible.

Apart from grocery stores, restaurants, coffee shops and takeout places, they also ask shops that sell ‘zero waste tools’ to participate (produce bags, reusable cups etc.)

The group has been visiting Roncesvalles businesses for a couple of months and have already placed over 40 stickers and counting.

In return for joining up, they promote participating businesses on their Roncy Reduces social media platforms and at their two World Environment Day events that will run at the Revue Cinema on June 5th. “At these events we hope to bring Roncesvalles residents and visitors together to learn about the issues of waste and single-use plastics and offer ideas on how to reduce our impact on the environment, says Tina Soldovieri, creator of the group. “And they will be a venue for us to promote the local businesses that are helping our neighbourhood reduce waste.”

The event will include a film screening of The Clean Bin Project, a guest speaker (Charlotte Ueta from the Toronto Long Term Waste Management Strategy and Circular Economy Lab), Q&A, information from Roncy Reduces and a slide show promoting local businesses who are part of the Roncy Reduces effort. Trailer and website.

A second event will be geared towards school children. Neighbourhood schools will be invited to participate in a poster contest and learn about waste reduction at our Revue Cinema school event.

Sponsored by Meridian, Roncesvalles Village BIA, Shop1km, Etee

Tickets (10$) at Eventbrite:

You can email Roncy Reduces at or find us on Facebook and Instagram pages @roncyreduces.

Roncesvalles resident trying to make “a good deal for nature” by cutting plastic waste, appeared on CBC on March 21st.