Show Your Love for Roncy!

Roncesvalles VillageOur Neighbourhood, Our Roncesvalles

Help us to share the love about our amazing neighbourhood this winter! Have a favourite Roncesvalles shop, class, building, business, neighbour, school, community group, bar, cafe, or restaurant that you love? We want to hear about it! This February, tag us and use #LoveRoncy on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share images of everything you love about Roncesvalles Village. Facebook … Read More


Roncesvalles VillageEvents, Holidays, Roncesvalles Village BIA

JOIN US ON RONCESVALLES FOR HOLIDAY FUN! #RoncyReindeer CONTEST Starting November 17th through to the end of December, Spot, Snap & Share a photo of a reindeer from a Roncesvalles shop window or winter garden on social media with tag #RoncyReindeer for your chance to win a $100 Roncy gift certificate or one of two $25 gift certificates! Add tag #RoncyReindeer … Read More

Dziękuję (thank you) Roncesvalles Village!

Roncesvalles VillagePolish Festival, Roncesvalles Village BIA, Special Events

Did you get a selfie with our new #RoncySign? Share it to instagram with hashtag #RoncySign and we will add it to our Stories! Another busy Roncesvalles Polish Festival weekend is behind us! Thank you to all sponsors, staff, our event management co; Hypitch Marketing, volunteers, vendors, local shops and restaurants and especially those who attended!  We hope you enjoyed … Read More

Spring Clean Up 2019

Roncesvalles VillageRoncesvalles Village BIA

On April 28th, join over 200,000 residents, students, businesses, organizations and communities as we clean Toronto together for the 16th annual spring cleanup! The Roncesvalles Village BIA & RoncyWorks will be hosting the Roncesvalles Avenue Community Clean Up. We will be encouraging BIA members to clean in front of their businesses on the sidewalk and their back laneway. We will be inviting … Read More